General terms and conditions (Terms of Use)
The website is owned by Stratton Finance (ACN 070 636 903).
Stratton Finance appreciates your interest in its products and your visit to this website. By accessing, viewing or otherwise using this website, you agree to be subject to these terms and conditions, the Stratton Finance Privacy Statement, notices, disclaimers or other statements contained on this website.
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Stratton Finance reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and such amendment will apply upon publication on this website. These terms and conditions must be read in conjunction with any other applicable terms and conditions governing the use of this website or the purchase of goods or services from Stratton Finance or its dealers.
Stratton Finance is not responsible for the contents of websites that are maintained by third parties and therefore waives its liability for any links from this website to other websites. Links to other websites are provided for convenience only and do not represent any endorsement by Stratton Finance.
Copyright in the information contained on this website is owned by Stratton Finance (ACN 070 636 903). You may use this information for your own personal reference only.
The information may not otherwise be reproduced and must not be distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any way into another document or other material.
While Stratton Finance has endeavoured to ensure that all information, representations, illustrations, specifications and prices contained on this website are accurate at the time of publication, product features, specifications and prices are subject to change without notice and Stratton Finance makes no commitment as to the availability of any product or service. The information on this website should always be read in conjunction with other materials and information available from Stratton Finance.
To the extent permitted by law, Stratton Finance excludes all express and implied warranties and all liability, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising from negligence or otherwise relating to the use of this website, any inaccuracies and for any non-compliance by any goods or services with any representations, illustrations, specifications, product features or other information contained on this website.
This disclaimer is subject to any applicable contrary provisions of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act and Competition and Consumer Act.
You agree to indemnify Stratton Finance and keep us indemnified against all actions, claims, costs, demands, damages (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) or liability incurred or arising in any manner from a breach by you of these terms and conditions, including any improper use of this website by you or anyone who gains authorised or unauthorised access from you.
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You will also find information regarding cookies in our Privacy Policy
Changes to this agreement
Stratton may change the terms of this agreement at any time and solely at its discretion. If possible, Stratton will try to notify you of any such changes.