Many people borrow money to pay for both new and used cars. The most common option is a car loan, but there are many finance options available that can be tailored to suit your needs.
Finance is the fastest way to get your hands on a new car without having to save up the full amount, and if done correctly, is a quick and easy process.
Using finance allows you to pay off the car as you use it, so you pay for it across the life of the loan instead of upfront, as you would if you paid cash.
While you pay interest on a car loan, interest rates are very low right now (and can be locked in for the life of the loan, protecting you against rate rises). So consider alternative uses of your cash such as an investment with a higher rate of return or something a bit more fun like a family holiday.
A secured car loan lets you take ownership of the vehicle at the time of purchase, with the financier taking an interest in the vehicle as security for the loan (which means they have rights to the vehicle if you stop making payments and default on the loan). Securing the loan means your interest rate will be much lower than an unsecured personal loan. Once the vehicle is fully paid off, the financier lifts their interest, and it's all yours.
Loans can range from a term of 2 to 7 years, with shorter and longer options available in some circumstances. The key to getting the most out of your loan is to ensure the product is appropriate for your circumstances, which means considering options such as no early exit fees or penalties, if you think you will pay the loan out early.
There are a lot more options available for you if you choose to get finance. So to find out what can be tailored for you and your new car, speak to a stratton finance consultant.