What exactly IS a novated lease?
Put as simply as possible, a novated lease includes both a financial lease and novation agreement between yourself, an employee and a lender. As part of a salary package, the employee is able to purchase a vehicle where the repayments are paid by the employer (you) out of their pre-tax pay which is all sorted out via payroll.
This can mean through a small amount of initial paperwork and some administrative actions at payroll level, you’re able to offer employees a higher salary at minimal (or even no) cost to your bottom line.
There are a few types of novated leases out there. Here’s some background on the two most popular options should your employees ask:
Self-managed novated lease
This option, as the name suggests, means your staff take care of everything themselves. From running costs (fuel, servicing, etc.) to negotiating with dealers, sourcing financing and organising their own insurance, it’s all up to them. This also includes all the admin involved with the employer (you) and the lender. Truthfully, if they haven’t had any experience with this stuff, it can be a real headache.
Fully maintained novated lease
Your employees can essentially sit back and let the novated lease provider sort everything out for them! Everything they’d have to do themselves with a self-managed novated lease will be taken care of, removing all of the stress. Better still, if they choose a novated lease provider with a ton of experience and industry connections (ahem, like Stratton Finance), they’ll find themselves in their new car much sooner, and with the lowest possible repayments.
What are the benefits of a novated lease?
For employers
As we said earlier, you may be able to offer employees a higher salary without actually affecting your bottom line. Also, the incentive of novated leasing can help to attract and retain staff in your workforce.