Your credit score can dictate the interest rates that are offered to you so, as you can imagine, doing whatever is in your power to improve your credit score is an integral piece of the puzzle.
The first step is requesting your credit report from sources such as Equifax or Illion. This is free of charge and gives you an in-depth look at what the lenders will be looking at when you’re applying for a loan. Once you have this, carefully check through everything to make sure there aren’t any errors such as debts listed that you didn’t actually take out yourself and incorrect debt amounts or duplicated debts. Should you find any inaccuracies, contact the credit reporting body to get things amended.
Other more general ways to maintain a higher credit score include paying all bills and loan/debt repayments on time, considering whether you really need that new credit card/postpaid phone plan (each credit check reduces your score), as well as being vigilant with credit cards and not spending above your means.