There are many ways in which a personal loan can be used. For example, the more big-ticket personal expenses including (but definitely not limited to) holidays, new or used cars, renovations to your home, a furniture upgrade, that boat you’ve had your eye on for a while… the list is pretty much endless.
But there’s also another very useful way to utilise a personal loan, which is consolidating debts into one monthly payment amount. Let’s take a look at what this means a bit more closely. Let’s say you owe money on two credit cards and are paying off a car:
- You owe $2500 on credit card #1 with an interest rate of 19.99%
- You owe $4000 on credit card #2 with an interest rate of 13.99%
- You owe $15,000 on your car with an interest rate of 11%
Adding all of the debts together for a total of $21,500, each with rather high interest rates. Should you consolidate that $21,500 into one personal loan (paying them all off with the money you receive from the lender) you’ll not only most likely have a drastically lower interest rate - you’ve also simplified it all into one weekly/fortnightly/monthly repayment.