The truth is that neither is better, but sometimes one may be more suitable than the other.
Novated Leasing – Good for those who prefer a single salary deduction for all their car-related needs and who fancy saving some cash on GST and getting a pay rise from the tax man. It’s also a worry-free path to car ownership that’s ideal for people that need an affordable and convenient way to buy a new or used car every 1-5 years.
Buying – Perfect for those that prefer fewer restrictions on their driving. In other words, those that rack up inconsistent kilometers i.e. high some months low others or those that enjoy modifying their cars. People who like to keep the same car for as long as possible will also prefer buying.Though in our opinion the main reason would be around purchasing that collector item or vintage car.
Of course, these are very simple guidelines, and the fact remains that each and every person will have a very different set of personal and financial circumstances that will determine which would suit them best.
It is worth noting that novated leases are a commercial finance product which means finance companies offering Novated leases are not currently bound by the National Consumer Credit Protection Act (NCCPA). The NCCPA ensures that consumers fully understand the financial products they are buying by letting them know interest rates or anything else that might impact the cost of their credit.
However, Stratton Finance has changed the game here, we are passionate about our customers and ensuring all products and services are transparent and customer’s feel empowered and informed when they work with us. As such, we proactively disclose all rates, costs, and charges in our transparent novated lease packages. Not letting you know everything about your financial product is common practice in the industry and seems wrong to us and so we’ve gone against the grain to offer you, as a consumer total transparency and control.
So if you’re in the market for a new or used car and have decided that novated leasing is the right choice for you then give us a call on 1300 131 050. Alternatively, if you feel that buying is your best option then get in touch with one of our car consultants on 1300 (STRATTON) 787 288.